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BÉNÉDICTINE D.O.M 法國廊酒 750ml

RM 185.00
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BÉNÉDICTINE D.O.M 法國廊酒 750ml

ABV: 40 %

Origin: France

A herbal liqueur distilled and aged in a flamboyant palace, built in Fécamp in tribute to this unique liqueur, Bénédictine is a subtle alchemy of 27 different plants and spices. Some of the herbs and spices have been used since the biblical times 

and many still have a place in folk remedies. The origin of these plantsis like a journey around the world: from Greece to Africa, to Indonesia, India and so much more.

Tasting Notes    


Herbal and spicy fragrance. Citrus hints of tangerine zest with subtle notes of pine    


A silky and rich palate with light honey and citrus notes with soft almonds     

Bénédictine selects product ingredients from the five continents with quality as the sole criterion of choice.    

法國廊酒又稱D.O.M,是法國的高僧DOMBERNADO于1510年發明的,廊酒一種酒精度較高(40% VOL)且糖份充足,香氣和口味都很好的酒,還具有消除疲勞和健胃的功效。

其制法大致是以檸檬皮、小豆蔻、牛膝草、白苦艾、薄 荷、百裏香、肉桂、肉豆蔻、丁香、山金車等各種藥味香料腌制而成。酒體的琥珀色澤中透著淡綠色。

廊酒的養生功效是確鑿無疑的,能促進血液循環,強化身 體機能,消除疲勞和健胃,補腎滋陰、舒筋活血,還具有養顔美容的功效,是一種適合大多數人的健康補酒,也是您饋贈親友的上乘選擇。尤其適合于婦女産後恢 複體力,是一種健康補酒.  




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